6 Tips For Safer Driving Alongside Large Trucks

Meyers, Flowers, Bruno, McPhedran and Herrmann - 6 Tips For Safer Driving Alongside Large Trucks

Driving near a large truck can be very intimidating, and knowing the best practices for sharing the road with them is essential. There are safety measures you should use when passing a truck on the highway or driving behind one in traffic. Here are six tips to remember when navigating alongside trucks on the road.

  • Keep a safe distance. Trucks require more time and distance to stop than smaller vehicles do. Ensure you leave enough space between your vehicle and the truck in front of you so you can brake safely, especially in wet or icy conditions.
  • Avoid blind spots. Truck drivers have large blind spots on both sides of their truck and to the rear, which means they likely can’t see you when you’re in those areas.
  • Signal properly. When passing a truck or changing lanes, ensure your lights are working correctly and use your turn signal.
  • Don’t cut off trucks. Trucks need more room to maneuver, and cutting one off can be dangerous. Leave plenty of breathing room between you and the truck when merging lanes or turning onto a new street.
  • Be aware of drifting. Trucks are more prone to drifting when going downhill, so be aware of the truck’s movement and react accordingly.
  • The most important tip for staying safe when driving beside trucks is to be aware of their presence on the road. Pay attention to the truck’s speed and give its driver plenty of space.

Accidents with trucks can be hazardous, so always remember to drive defensively and use extra caution when navigating alongside a truck. Taking the proper precautions can help keep you and your family safe on the roads.

Illinois Valley residents who have been in a truck accident can rely on the team at Meyers, Flowers, Bruno, McPhedran & Herrmann for experienced legal representation.

Contact us today at 815-223-0230 to learn more about how we can help you.

Meyers, Flowers, Bruno, McPhedran & Herrmann

1200 Maple Drive

Peru, IL 61354



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